The Correlation Between  Cerebroplacental Ratio and Body Mass Index in Third Trimester


  • Dr. Harsha Vardan MD(RD), Associate Professor, KIMS Author
  • Srinivas S MD(RD), Professor, KIMS Author
  • Tanuj Sai Kumar S Post Graduate, KIMS Author
  • SC Sanjay MD(RD), Professor and Head of Department, KIMS Author


Cerebroplacental ratio, body mass index (BMI), third trimister, fetal doppler



Doppler ultrasonography helps us in noninvasive monitoring of pregnancy hemodynamics. It is used to assess both the fetal and placental circulation. It is employed to evaluate the placental and fetal circulation. Additionally, it is utilized to forecast unfavorable prenatal outcomes such as preeclampsia and fetal growth limitation.

In ou​r stu​dy, we tried to find a correlation between cerebroplacental ratio and body mass index in third trimester.

Materia​ls a​nd me​tho​ds:

This is a retrospective study which included 150 pregnant women undergoing routine third trimester scan from 28 to 40 weeks in KIMS hospital and research centre, Bangalore between Jan 2023 and October 2023.


Fetal Doppler was done for 150 pregnant women presenting for antenatal scan in third trimester.

The​ a​ge​ o​f the​ pa​ti​e​nt, height, weight and fetal doppler parameters were recorded.

Body mass index and cerebroplacental ratio were considered to look for any correlation between these two parameters in third trimester.


The findings in the study show that irrespective of BMI, the cerebro-placental  ratio has similar values and shows no negative association. But there was a negative association with MCA PI and umbilical artery PI. However, we need to keep the women informed about the risks associated with obesity in pregnancy like gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, delivery of large for gestational age infant and hence take necessary dietary advice if required early in pregnancy.





